Proofreading Standard Rate
The fee is charged starting from RM20 or more per 100 words of the original document depending on the languages you need to proofread. Your document or website will be thoroughly checked for all grammar, spelling, syntax and word processor errors.
Proofread and Editing Standard Rate (Copy Editing)
Editing is fixed at RM40 or more for each 100 words in your document. Our editor will make changes your text to improve its style and clarity. During editing, we will rewrite some parts of the sentences, replace some words, and fix certain expression styles to make it easier for readers to understand your content.
Urgent Case Rate
Additional 40% charge per 100 words. We guarantee your document will be proofread and returned within the timeline you require. (Depending on the editor’s schedule).
Paraphrasing Rate
We also offer paraphrasing service. For RM 0.20 per word or higher, your document will be rephrased word-by-word to native speaker standards. Please take note that we do not facilitate plagiarism and we will reject if we find out it's for academic work intended for publication.
There will be special discounted rates for projects longer than 10,000 words or for batch or routine cases.
PDF documents will require additional typesetting charges from RM20 per page.